Section Restreinte
Posts: 379
Post by zalex on Feb 8, 2013 13:25:35 GMT 2
La tige de selle laprade 505
Post by bduc61 on Oct 7, 2014 20:23:17 GMT 2
Laprade c est une marque francaise cette TDS est elle francaise ? j ai la meme pour mon Bernard Carré et le nom ou la societe a ete rachete par SR - Sakae Ringyo au Japon qui a demarré seulement en 87 ?
Post by Romuald on Oct 7, 2014 21:10:57 GMT 2
Post by bduc61 on Oct 7, 2014 22:20:47 GMT 2
ca sonne quand meme bien francais Sheldon dit ca "Laprade Seatpost Laprade was originally a brand name, but has become a generic term for seatposts with a built-in clamp that uses a vertical Allen bolt to clamp the saddle rails. Typically,, the tilt of the saddle is adjustable by loosening this same bolt so the convex, toothed underside of saddle-clamp assembly can be slid backward or forward on a matching, concave, toothed surface. This type of seatpost is much easier to adjust than the classic Campagnolo two-bolt seatpost, but can be adjusted only in (small) steps. " ca ne serait pas surprenant que les japonais ait fait leur tds facon Laprade ! EDIT 1 - apparemment Laprade aurait vendu la licence du design - donc clairement un fabricant de pieces - l enquete continue je retrouve pas le post d emile EDIT 2 : Bon on progresse - il faut rechercher les "Usines Laprade" ! 79 brevet depose au US : Saddle carriages US 4142813 A Publication number US4142813 A Publication type Grant Application number US 05/876,744 Publication date 6 Mar 1979 Filing date 10 Feb 1978 Priority date 10 Mar 1975 Inventors Jean E. Laborde Original Assignee Les' Usines Laprade "A saddle carriage is provided which is designed to fit onto a cycle stem and carry a saddle. The carriage comprises a support which can be secured to the cycle stem, the support having an upwardly concave, substantially horizontal, cylindrical sector which, in use, overhangs laterally relative to the stem. Superimposed upper and lower jaws are provided for gripping portions, e.g. wires of the saddle, the lower jaw having a lower surface which conforms to the cylindrical sector of the support. A nut and bolt or the like are provided for holding the jaws together, and the lower jaw or the support has a slot which permits relative displacement of the lower jaw and the support despite the presence of the bolt." This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 664,274, filed Mar. 5, 1976 now abandoned.
Section Restreinte
Posts: 2,029
Post by filoo on Oct 13, 2014 0:17:03 GMT 2
Les "Laprade" sont au catalogue Sakae-Ringyo (SR) dès 1979 Sous 2 appelations: "Sakae Laprade" et "Laprade" tout court ... (source Vélo-Pages)